September 16, 2010

In the Moment

And there comes a time in your life when you make a decision in the moment. Though you had actually given it some thought – when you finally decided, it was in the moment. A surprising moment, like jumping in the pool at the deep end instead of climbing down the ladder and walking toward the deep end. The decision feels good .. it feels right .. it feels selfish .. it feels final. Final as closing the door for the last time on your childhood home with the last box of things for your new apartment. Final as walking up in line to shake all the hands and accept the empty diploma portfolio from the Department Head. Final is final, no looking back. Only look forward.

Once the decision is made you feel a lightness in your soul a brightness in your day that had been missing. Once the reality of it sets in you go to work on things neglected; things mundane seem important and you enjoy the act of doing them. You have new plans for everything .. plans that have been spinning around your mind looking for an escape. Your decision in the moment gave them escape and now the waiting is easier. The time is there to do all those things – maintain the strength to do them. Pray for the strength to do them. Pray for assurance the decision is going to work out in the end. The end. It's not the end though.

The end is the end. This is the beginning, a beginning, a new beginning, an opening on a future because the decision is in the past; the decision is already done – the future must be worked on. You can let it come, you can plan a little, and you can see how the day goes. A day starts with the sun rising – make it worthwhile, make it matter. Anything accomplished is progress.

Spend time in the open. Watch the dog chase rats & squirrels; count the ears of corn and the green pumpkins. Pick up the dead apples and pears, pick the pears so they can ripen and get sweet for eating. Pick an apple and test the taste of it, wait for the late apples to sweeten on the tree. Be grateful for what you have, savor it and don't complain. Don't complain about the raccoons, catch them in the trap and call the man to pick them up. Don't complain about the rats, teach your dog to kill them when he finds them. Watch the cat watch the dog chase the rats. Take pictures of everything because you can put them all on your computer and everyone can see them.

Change your routine and check your calendar often. Make sure you can get a Christmas gift for everyone – smile at a stranger, call a friend. Take the dog for a walk, wait for the call. The calls will come and the work will come and you will take the calls for work. Don't worry needlessly about the decision made in the moment. Don't worry needlessly about the future, just look to it and embrace it. Live right and life is right.